From Foreign Animal & Emerging Diseases Awareness Course
- Zoonosis Near and Far - Anderson, Khan
- Alphabet Soup of Disaster Response - Haven
- FDACS, Past Events, Present Accomplishments, Future Opportunities - Conti
- Disease Case Review for USDA FAS Awareness For DVMS-Crews
- First Line of Defense Against Foreign Animal Diseases-James
- Model Infection Control Plan for Veterinary Practices, 2010
- One Health: It's a Small World Health After All-Stanek
- The Animal Control Perspective-Walesky
- Overview of FWC's Terrestrial Wildlife Disease Surveillance-Cunningham
- Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) in Double-crested Cormorants-Wolf
- Cyanobacteria related Toxicity in Livestock- Kitchen
- The effects of cyanobacteria on animal and public health- Landsberg, Reich, Kitchen
- Wildlife Disease Surveillance And Emergency Response System-Milleson
- Cyanobacteria and Public Health Issue-Reich
- Screwworm slides-Kaufman
- Ticks of Florida:Basic Identification- Kaufman
The lectures were prepared for a Foreign Animal and Emerging Disease Awareness Class held June 10-13, 2013 in Gainesville, Florida. The class was jointly sponsored by the University of Florida, College of Veterinary Medicine, USDA-APHIS Veterinary Services and the Florida State Agriculture Response Team.